PURPOSE Use augmented reality to show how different eyewear styles will look on a user’s face, then enable the user to purchase that pair of glasses expeditiously and cost effectively. CONCEPT User points the camera at their face, enabling an augmented reality experience that applies various combinations of eyewear styles to the user’s face. The […]
AR hologram hunt on the road to Vegas
Sizzle turns the ride into Vegas or other road trip destinations into a fun and interactive game experience that features promo content of what the user can experience once arriving. One that allows games and interactivity to drive excitement for the Vegas experience, and specifically into the casino. PURPOSE Sizzle uses augmented reality and GPS […]
AR holograms can augment a landmark
PURPOSE 3D Holograms can be used to promote entertainment of any kind, make special themed days at stadiums come to life, add a dynamic attraction to a spectacular fountain show, add branding and clues to monuments, while driving consumers to specific retail properties for engagement. CONCEPT In this example, an exquisite collection of faeries are […]
AR holograms can augment anything
PURPOSE Pairing of branded specialty merchandise like T-Shirts with an augmented reality counterpart creates a daily interaction like none other. Generate significant revenue from microtransactions, daily customer interaction, brand loyalty, social media sharing and peer to peer sharing. CONCEPT A garment licensee with a product like Betty Boop specialty designed Tee-Shirts will add significant potential […]
AR holograms change outdoor advertising
PURPOSE Increase audience awareness of an upcoming film, theme park ride, concert or other entertainment property and entice those users to promote the event or experience in their social media and purchase advance tickets. CONCEPT Sizzle provides a host of 3D augmented reality holograms for the promotion of entertainment. These holograms can be triggered by […]
AR holograms drive audiences to theatres
PURPOSE Draw audience attention to upcoming theatrical releases. Give audiences additional reasons to attend the theatrical release by providing added digital incentive for their attendance. CONCEPT Leverage readily accessible 3D animated models from a tentpole film and turn those into larger than life experiences that must be acquired by attending the film in the theater. […]
AR holograms drive traffic organically
PURPOSE GPS allows Sizzle to place augmented reality experiences anywhere in the world that is desired. Those experiences bring unique offers to users, AR experiences that can only be found in Sizzle, and tracking and mapping systems for places like malls, tradeshows, etc. CONCEPTS Sizzle delivers the user an offer for a restaurant, for example. […]
AR holograms drive traffic to locations
PURPOSE 3D Holograms can be used at fan conventions, tourist destinations, big box stores, product presentations and concerts, to drive users to physical locations, then enhance the user experience by providing games, discounts, digital swag and social media sharing elements. CONCEPT Concerts and tourist destinations are readily augmented with CGI dragons, creatures, flying spacecraft, superhero […]
AR holograms make a meal more happy
PURPOSE Drive fans to retail establishments to purchase a souvenir cup that visually triggers a themed augmented reality experience. Sizzle can point at a branded cup or package label, recognize it, deliver a 2D or 3D augmented reality experience which can lead to a transaction, game, video, URL and more. CONCEPT Lego Batman can appear […]
AR holograms make translation fun
PURPOSE Convert a population that does not speak the native language into happy customers by providing a simple, and easy to use translation system. Drives activations, customer appreciation, foreign market engagements, tourism penetration, social media sharing. CONCEPT Sizzle translation creates an indispensable tool for Sizzle to become ever more valuable to Sizzle users. Sizzle translation […]