PURPOSE Enable influencers to program prior content and current content with new interactive experiences that gamify their videos and create deeper user interactivity. This increases profits for both influencers and their sponsoring brands. Creates more awareness, user activation and engagement and peer to peer sharing. CONCEPTS A Dude Perfect video can drop a Rams logo […]
Sizzle is the place to debut Sizzle Reels
PURPOSE Increase the ROI of producing celebrity themed brand endorsement videos by making a special Sizzle Reel debut for them on the Sizzle platform. Increase consumer activation, engagement, market research, continued patronage, current transactions and ongoing customer loyalty. CONCEPT Make greater use of proprietary content Sets the tone for the brand’s content in the mind […]
Sizzle maps deliver instructions anywhere
PURPOSE GPS allows Sizzle to place augmented reality experiences anywhere in the world that is desired. Those experiences bring unique offers to users, AR experiences that can only be found in Sizzle, and tracking and mapping systems for places like malls, trade shows, campuses, etc. CONCEPTS Sizzle delivers the user an offer for a restaurant, […]
Sizzle Match games increase brand sales
PURPOSE Leverage a simple product matching game that requires concentration to clear levels on the board. Creates brand awareness, product exposure and garners market research. CONCEPT Users flip tiles until they find a match. They continue with this process, working against a 3 minute timer, until they clear an entire level. If User clears 5 […]
Sizzle Offer Engine easily programs these opportunities
The Sizzle Offer Engine™ is designed to facilitate the programming of all of the offers, games, experiences, augmented reality, virtual reality and business systems in the Sizzle platform. • Campaigns are created inside the Sizzle Offer Engine™ • Video hotspots are programmed on timeline to trigger offers, games, quizzes, polls, AR experiences and more. […]
Sizzle Reels can drive traffic to retail
PURPOSE Leverage corporate Sizzle Reels to their fullest advantage by pairing them with cause to visit retail locations for benefits, discounts and prizes. Increase consumer activation, engagement, market research, continued patronage, current transactions and ongoing customer loyalty. CONCEPT Sizzle reels can be programmed with offers that drive traffic to retail, adding deeper connection between consumer and brand. […]
Sizzle Shop custom store fronts
PURPOSE Sizzle.shop facilitates each of the Sizzle merchants to have their own branded storefronts to make shopping for their wares easy for the Sizzle users. Influencers may open custom stores with their personal collection of favorite items for their fans to purchase and for the influencer to earn commissions. CONCEPT The Sizzle store comes with […]
Sizzle Slots expose your products
PURPOSE Generate consumer activation, engagement, brand impressions, product impressions, market research, daily check ins, and generate transactions. CONCEPT Sizzle Slots is founded on the same principle that built the Las Vegas strip…. a click of a button, the anticipation of what will I win? And the delivery of either a prize (totally free, not a […]
Sizzle-enabled merchandise stands apart
PURPOSE Create unique brand merchandise that has special powers that no other brand has. 3D Holograms can be used at fan conventions, tourist destinations, big box stores, product presentations and concerts, to enhance the user experience and provide games, discounts, digital swag and social media sharing elements. CONCEPT (Audi) Enhance brand experiences in spectacular ways. […]
Sizzle’s CineMental Journey™ engine powers movie trivia games
PURPOSE Create user interactivity with a movie trivia game that spawns both attendance at the movie theaters, as well as the rental or watching of some media on television. Drives advance awareness, creates deeper appreciation and generates social sharing while delivering prizes and discounts. CONCEPT User v. user games and user v. computer games are […]